Hoverboards Buying Guide – Everything You Need To Know

Since their outset in the early 2010s, hoverboards are now turning into a typical sight, particularly on YouTube bomb channels. They’re usually equipped with two motorized wheels affixed to a pair of pads where the rider puts their feet.

If you’re looking to know more about hoverboards buying guide, these two-wheel self-balancing boards, what they are, how they work, and how you can get the best deal without getting ripped off, you are in the right place.

5 Facts About Hoverboards Buying Guide:

  • Hoverboards were first invented by Shan Chen, a China-America business man.
  • The term “Hoverboard” is used to describe a board that doesn’t work into the ground but rather hovers over it.
  • Quality hoverboards are usually pre-booked because they quickly get out of stock.
  • Hoverboards and comparative devices require an authentication called the “UL 27222” certificate.
  • Getting on and off of a hoverboard is much harder than riding it, mainly because there’s no handle to hold on to. 

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How Much Does A Hoverboard Cost? Up To Date Prices In 2025

how much is a hoverboard

Disadvantages Of Hoverboards Buying Guide:

  • It’s all about the cash: The modern hoverboards aren’t that cheap. You might have to dish out over $300. Not to mention that some will cost as much as 2,000 bucks.
  • Ride over a bang: If you’re not careful, hoverboards can lead to serious injuries.
  • Some users have reported that hoverboards are exploding. However, newer models are UL certified and they no longer explode.
  • You can’t ride them just anywhere: many urban centers and businesses are setting limits on where hoverboards can be used.

Who Created The Hoverboard

Hoverboards were invented by a Chinees-American inventor, Shan Chen who sells these devices under the name Hovertrax. He was the first to file a patent priority for a “two-wheel self-balancing vehicle” from 2013.

It’s good to mention that the hoverboards’ historical backdrop is packed with patent wars, parties suing each other over who discovered it first, and shoddy copycats that burst into flames.

What’s Inside Hoverboard

Hoverboards are generally composed of many segments under the hood. With a standard model, you’ll get a logic board, a battery, two motors (one for each wheel), and two gyroscopes (one for each wheel). 

Why Are Hoverboards Called Hoverboards

First, it’s a brand name. The “term hoverboard” has been reserved and trademarked, and you can’t contend with the law. Second, “hoverboard” sounds much easier and quicker than “self-balancing two-wheel board.”

Is It Worth Buying A Hoverboard

Hoverboards are undoubtedly among the best-personalized transportation worth having today. Although they might seem a bit unfounded due to their meek silhouette, are generally reliable and can be easily found on amazon. Most brands fall under the $300 price category. 

However, your health and safety depend on the quality of the device. Thus, you’ll be wise to choose the brand and model that fits your needs and budget.

Ensure the premises are safe and allowed for hoverboards, as some places like New York have imposed a couple of restrictions on using hoverbeds with a fine of $500.

How To Know Which Hoverboard To Buy

Can’t help thinking about getting a hoverboard? Below are the various aspects to ascertain before making any transaction:

  • UL-certificate
  • Charging time
  • Range
  • Speed
  • Maximum weight and height
  • Terrain
  • Local regulations

Where Can I Buy A Hoverboard

Considering the purported adverse safety exposure behind hoverboards, it’s important to make sure you buy the model from a trusted dealer. Below we have highlighted the five best places to purchase a hoverboard. Their products are on the premium end, but they have excellent customer support for quality. They provide affordable products, and quality is acceptable.

  • Gotrax.Com
  • Amazon.com
  • Halo Board
  • Best Buy
  • Walmart
  • Target

Best 5 Hoverboards Under $200 including Off-Road Option

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Best 5 Hoverboards Under $200 including Off-Road Option

Do Hoverboards Catch On Fire

While everyone is looking for a safe and certified self-balancing board, the good news is that most models on the market today are UL 2272 certified. That means they are not prone to fire and won’t startlingly burst into flames. 

How Long Does A Hoverboard Battery Last (Charge Not Lifespan)

A fully charged hoverboard battery can last for 2-6 hours. So if you’re planning to go for a long ride, then make sure it’s fully charged.

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Hoverboard

A standard hoverboard takes around 2-3 hours to get properly charged. This may vary depending on the brand, though the charging point is influenced by the size of the hoverboards in most cases.

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How To Calibrate A Hoverboard In 5 Easy Steps

how to calibrate a hoverboard

How Do You Know If Your Hoverboard Is Fully Charged

The hoverboard charger should be red (or blue for the newer versions) when in charging mode. When the charger turns green, it means that the device is fully charged. This color normally changes to solid green after charging for a couple of hours or so.

Hoverboard Distance Per Charge

An average hoverboard can reach up to 7 miles on a single charge. More premium hoverboards can reach distances between 10-15 miles on a single charge.

How Fast Does A Hoverboard Go

An average hoverboard can travel at speeds of around 6-8 mph. However, some factors determine how fast hoverboards can go. This includes models wheel size, motor power, riding terrain, and user’s weight.

How To Make Hoverboard Go Faster

To speed up, press the feet platforms at a more inclined angle and minimize the angle to slow down. Note that weight Shifting doesn’t enhance stability, and too much leaning might make you lose balance and control of the hoverboard altogether. 

Are Hoverboards Waterproof

Not all hoverboards are waterproof, but it’s best to go for a waterproof model because you might find yourself riding in the rain or puddled roads. Otherwise, hoverboards consist of electric parts, and a non-water repellent device could break. 

Can Hoverboards Go On Dirt

Medium or standard hoverboards are equipped with tires of 6.5 inches. This size might be enough for walkways and level pavements. However, for other surfaces, for instance, grass and dirt, a tire measuring 8.5 inches would serve much better.

all terrain hoverboard

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Do Hoverboards Damage Floors

Unless you hit a corner, flip or fall, or other abuse/mishandling of the device, hoverboards are not associated with damage on floors, even hardwoods on normal use.

Can Hoverboards Go Uphill

Powerful hoverboards will climb hills just fine, even steep ones of about 30 degrees. However, for less powerful models, an angle greater than 18 degrees is considered too steep to climb.

Accessories like hill kits, 8.5 inches tires, powerful battery and motor are essentially practical when it comes to uphill climbing. The weight of the rider also influences the ability to go uphill.

Do Hoverboards Work On Carpet

Similar to other crucial aspects, premium-grade tires are an essential element if you’re planning to ride your hoverboard on the carpet. The excellent grip is vital for hoverboards to avoid skidding due to poor traction between the tire and the carpet. 

How Do Hoverboards Self Balance

Hoverboards are designed with pivoting frames in the center. The electric motors and sensors that detect angle and speed are actually integrated inside of each wheel. The gyrators get the signal from the wheels’ tilt sensors and advance it to the board, keeping the unit upright.

How To Control A Hoverboard

Besides all the fancy envisions made by reviewers, no one will truly read your mind. So give your hoverboard some physical cues to dominate how it moves, how quickly and in which direction:

  • Keep your body weight/pressure on your feet.
  • Avoid leaning too much.
  • Keep your upper body flexible.
  • Keep your eyes at the front, not at your feet.

How To Get On And Off A Hoverboard

Keep these tips in mind when trying to get on and off a hoverboard:

  • Start by putting your dominant foot on the respective footpad.
  • Let your foot touch the wheel bumper rather than the middle.
  • Avoid moving forward or backward.
  • Be stable and keep your body straight.
  • Be confident and relaxed.
  • Seek your friend’s assistance or something to hold on to.
  • Keep trying and learn how to control your hoverboard.


Is Hoverboard Allowed In Airplane

Hoverboards with lithium free batteries maybe allowed but travelers will need to contact airlines before heading to the airport. Otherwise most airlines won’t recommend travelling with a hoverboard due to the risk of used lithium-ion batteries catching on fire.

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