One of the questions you might have if you’re looking to buy a hoverboard is what is the hoverboard weight limit? Although many hoverboards are similar so will have a similar maximum capacity, this will vary depending on the model or brand. In general you can expect the average weight limit for a 6.5” wheel self balancing scooter to be approximately 220lbs/100kg. Some smaller hoverboards will carry slightly lower weight though, and some much bigger boards (with 8 inch or 10 inch wheels) higher (up to 300lbs). In fact since March 2017 there’s now even a hoverboard that will carry up to 400lbs!
See our table below to help you choose the right self balancing scooter based on your weight (remember to take into account anything you might be carrying e.g. a backpack or hoverboard accessory that might add to the total weight):
How Much Does a Hoverboard Weight: Hoverboard Weight Limits Compared
All the listed hoverboards have a minimum weight of approximately 44lbs.
Table could not be displayed.Of course this isn’t every hoverboard on the market – we’ve just listed the best brands and those that are properly UL 2272 safety certified. The majority of traditional 6.5 inch wheel hoverboards tend to have a maximum weight limit of about 220lbs.
Very few hoverboards have a max weight limit of 300lbs – in fact after exhaustive research the only one that we could find that were worth recommending is the Swagtron T6.
In this article, I’ve tried to answer all your burning questions regarding the how much does a hoverboard weight, as well as their weight requirements.
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How Heavy Is a Hoverboard?
When talking straight numbers, the majority of a hoverboard weight falls in between 20 pounds to 30 pounds. With the average weight of a hoverboard being around 25 lbs, they’re not that heavy for adults to carry. However, the same cannot be said for children.
The best lightest hoverboards are the ones specifically designed for kids; they weigh around 17.5 pounds. On the other end of the scale, the heaviest hoverboard weight can be 30 pounds or more. They’re best suited for heavier individuals and for off-roading.
Now you’re probably wondering, “why do they vary so much in weight?” Well, hoverboards, also sometimes known as “self-balancing scooters,” are designed for specific users in mind. Therefore, in order to cater to certain needs, they differ from each other in size and weight.
Whether you want a hoverboard for a short commute to work or one for recreational purposes, they’re undoubtedly one of the coolest types of personal electric transport devices. And with an estimated global market value of 3.12 billion U.S. dollars, the masses tend to agree.
How Much Do Hoverboards Weigh in Kg?
Is math not your forte? Well, I can relate to you on that. I’m not a big fan of numbers and conversions either. Therefore, I’ve saved you the pain of converting pounds into kilograms, by doing it for you.
The lightest hoverboards, as mentioned earlier, are around 17.5 pounds. Since 1 kg equals to 2.2 lbs, hence, the lightest hoverboards weigh about 8 kgs. On average, hoverboards weigh 25 pounds, which amounts to 11 kg. Whereas the heaviest hoverboards are 30 lbs plus which is about 13.6 kg.
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What Size Hoverboard Should I Buy?
Now that I’ve answered your question of how much does a hoverboard weigh, the next thing that probably popped in your head was, “Which size should I get?” Well, this question doesn’t have a straightforward answer. The best hoverboard size for you depends on a couple of factors:
How Much Do You Weigh?
If you’re a heavier individual, it would be better for you to opt for a hoverboard that also weighs more. This is because lighter boards have a maximum weight limit of 220 lbs (100 kg), whereas heavier boards can withstand larger weights.
Similarly, if you weigh less, you should go for a hoverboard that also weighs less. This is because controlling a heavier board is much difficult for a lighter individual.
How Do You Intend To Use Your Hoverboard?
The second factor that you should consider is how you plan on using your hoverboard. Would you exclusively be riding a hoverboard on smooth pavements? Or do you plan on taking your board for a spin on rough and muddy paths?
If you fall in the first group, a lighter board will be good enough for you. However, if the latter group is where you belong, you should consider buying a heavier hoverboard. Heavier boards perform much better off-road due to their larger tires, stronger motors, and bigger batteries.
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What is the Heaviest Hoverboard?
There are very few hoverboards that tip the scale to 30 pounds or more. In fact, after exhaustive research, the swagtron swagboard outlaw T6 was the heaviest hoverboard I could find.
Weighing in at a monstrous 32 pounds, this beast is definitely one of the heaviest, if not the heaviest, self-balancing scooter out there. Specifically designed for offroading, the T6 has 10 inch tires and a 300 watt motor which largely contributes to its heavy weight.
Additionally, it is also one of the only hoverboards available that can withstand up to 420 lbs of weight. Therefore, if you’re searching for a hoverboard that also holds the most weight, this board might definitely be the one you’re after.
Is There a Weight Limit When You Ride a Hoverboard?
Knowing how much you weigh is just as important as knowing how much a hoverboard weighs. This is because every hoverboard has a maximum set weight it can support.
The lighter hoverboards have a weight limit of about 220 pounds (100 kg). This means that a 25 pound average hoverboard is suitable for most individuals. On the other hand, the heavier hoverboards can support weights of 300 lbs and more, making them perfect for people that weigh a lot.
Adhering to the weight limit of a hoverboard is important not only for your own safety but also to get the most out of your self-balancing scooter.
If you’re above the maximum weight limit of a hoverboard, you might not enjoy the experience as much. Not only will your board be considerably slower but your battery will also run out of juice quicker.
Additionally, the continuous overloading may also damage certain components of your hoverboard, making it malfunction. Therefore, I would highly advise you to stick to the weight limit suggested by the manufacturer of your hoverboard.
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What is the Minimum Weight For a Hoverboard?
Most hoverboards have a minimum weight requirement of about 44 pounds (20 kg). Now you’re probably wondering, “Why is that so?” Well, that comes down to the way a hoverboard functions.
Hoverboards have special sensors that respond to your weight. They detect the direction in which you shift your weight and move the hoverboard in it. These sensors also detect the amount of weight being shifted to decide the speed.
If the rider is below the minimum rated weight of 44 pounds, the hoverboard will start shaking or vibrating. This happens because the sensors are not completely being depressed due to which the motherboard is unable to tell if they are being pushed or not.
Therefore, if you’re looking to buy a hoverboard for your child as a gift, make sure you consider the minimum weight requirement before making a purchase. A lighter hoverboard might be better for a child since they usually require less weight to function.
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What if I’m Over the Recommended Hoverboard Weight Limit?
The weight limit is a manufacturer guideline, and for the best riding experience and your own safety it is advisable to choose a hoverboard suitable for your weight.
If a manufacturer suggests a hoverboard weight limit of 220lbs/100kg and you’re only a few pounds over that weight, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to ride it. It just means that the hoverboard may not operate at maximum capacity.
It may slow down or not run as smoothly, and the battery may not last as long between charges.
NB: Too much extra weight and you’re compromising your own safety and risking damage to the board (the frame, motor, axle or battery – hit a bump and it could potentially crack in half).
For the best ride its always advisable to adhere to the manufacturers self balancing scooter weight limit advice. There are hoverboards suitable for every weight up to 380lbs so nearly anyone can enjoy riding a hoverboard – you just need to find the right one for you.
Tip: Remember to take into consideration the weight of anything you’re carrying, like a backpack. If you weigh 220lbs and are wearing a 20lb backpack then that makes you over the recommended maximum weight capacity for some hoverboards.
Best Hoverboard for Heavy Adults
There’s only one hoverboard that we currently recommend for those that are overweight, and that’s the Swagtron T6. This is the ONLY hoverboard for 380lbs or more currently on the market (although I’m sure there will be more to come) in the future.
No products found.This has only recently been introduced to the market so we’re yet to get proper feedback on how well it works with heavier weight, but seeing as this is the ONLY one on the market that actually is designed for up to 400lbs or more it’s definitely worth a try if you’re over the 300lb mark.
Swagtron T6 Features & Specs
- Off road (all terrain) hoverboard – use on grass, gravel, sand, snow and more
- IPX4 water resistant (safe to use in light rain, travel through puddles etc.) – DON’T immerse it in water – no hoverboard is 100% waterproof!
- FIRST in the world that can support up to 400lbs (most hoverboards don’t carry over 300lbs)
- UL 2272 Certified
- 12 mile range with speed of up to 12 mph
- 10″ rugged tires for handling all types of ground
- 2-3 hours to charge
- Bluetooth capability (Swagtron App available for iOS and Android)
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Is There a Minimum Hoverboard Weight for Kids?
Actually, yes! This will only apply to younger children, but there is usually a recommended hoverboard minimum weight too for safe usage. Some manufacturers will just recommend a minimum age – anything from age 8 (Razor Hovertrax 2.0) to age 13 (Streetsaw and Jetson V6), but of course some kids will grow faster than others.
To use a hoverboard properly the average recommended minimum weight is approximately 44lbs/20kg.
If your child is under this weight they may not be able to safely control the hoverboard seeing as it requires shifting your weight to be able to move backwards and forwards, left and right. Also a rider that is under the minimum weight may not be able to reduce speed or stop safely on downhill terrain.
Although we don’t recommend using a hoverboard contrary to the manufacturer’s advice, there are some videos online of kids as young as about 2 riding a hoverboard successfully (the lighter weight 6.5 inch models) but obviously in a very controlled environment (indoors and riding very slowly) and with an adult present.
In case you’re wondering, this baby is riding a Razor Hovertrax 2.0. Pretty impressive for a 12 month old – I’m pretty sure my kid couldn’t have done this at the age of 1!
The Bottom Line
Always choose a hoverboard that’s right for your weight if you want it to function at its best (and of course for your own safety!) Overload it too much and you’ll either cause yourself an accident, or probably break the board so it’s not worth paying hundreds of dollars for the wrong one.
There are hoverboards suitable for all weights up to 380lbs – just scroll back up to check out our table and see which one is right for you.
Swagtron T6 Is Our Recommended Hoverboard For All Weights & Ages
For kids and adults of every weight from 44 lbs to 380 lbs, the Swagtron T6 is the most versatile hoverboard with the highest weight limit in 2018. Despite this, it’s not even the most expensive! It comes in Black, Desert Camo and Pink Camo, and is an Off Road (all terrain hoverboard) which you can ride just about anywhere.
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