The Wolf Warrior X Pro is the newest addition of the Wolf family of Kaabo. Its design is much smaller in size and weight, which sounds like it may be a bad thing. However, this electric scooter is very solidly built, with that motocross feel which has become standard for Wolf electric scooters.
But build quality aside, the Warrior X Pro electric scooter has a lot to offer. It may be slightly smaller in dimension and power compared to the Wolf Warrior 11+ or the Wolf King, but the internal components and build are nearly identical, with a few newer features to set it apart.
Last year, Kaabo’s Wolf Warrior X Pro11 was labeled as the best electric scooter last year by many scooter enthusiasts around the world. And now Kaabo has released a new model this year, called the Wolf Warrior X Pro. The difference of this and the other Wolves, however, is the size. But size isn’t everything and what it lacks in that, the Warrior X still manages to prove that Kaabo knows what they’re doing in making the most accessible and high-quality scooter at reasonable prices.
Where it gets is name is that it has 10-inch tires, hence X is the Roman numeral for “ten.” The dimensions of the tires also mean small brake discs, though not lack in breaking power. With electric anti-lock brakes, they’ll stop nearly instantly with little trouble, making your ride safer on any speed
The Wolf Warrior X Pro Specifications
The Wolf Warrior X Pro is much smaller in dimensions and power from the 11+ in more ways than one. This scooter weighs approximately 12 kilograms less than the 11 and has a similar dual motor to it, and has interchangeable tires that are for street surfaces or all-terrain. It can hold pretty heavy riders despite its size, as well as climb up a 35 degree slope from a complete standstill.
Dimensions (unfolded) |
48 in x 24.5 in x 51.1in |
Top Speed |
43 mph |
Motor Watt |
Dual 1100W |
Weight Capacity |
264.5 lbs. |
Weight |
74.5 lbs. |
The Wolf Warrior X Pro Features
Like any good electric scooter, the Wolf Warrior X Pro has unique features that may appeal to any new riders. Though it might not look like much, this has some components that are a staple of any Kaabo Wolf scooter.
If you’re looking for a fast ride, the Warrior X Pro might satisfy your craving. With a 60V 28 AH battery and a dual 1100 w motor, the Warrior X can reach top speeds of over 43 miles an hour, making it just close to as fast as other Wolf Warrior X Pro scooters.
While not nearly as fast as the Wolf Warrior 11 or Wolf King, this scooter definitely has enough speed to go just fast enough to feel like you’re gliding on the sidewalk. Even able to climb at a 35-degree angle from a standstill, it manages to keep the momentum going with minimal effort.
With the option to change tires from street to off-road, you would be able to go as fast as 20 to 35 miles an hour on dirt, gravel, and grass as easy as you could on pavement and concrete.
The battery has two charge ports to allow a fast and standard charger to be plugged in. A preferred design choice to help shorten the time of charging. After charging for about 4 or 5 hours, the Wolf Warrior X Pro can have a range of 60 miles on a single charge.
Having this option would be great for those who want a recreational vehicle that can be used on the weekends to go off hiking trails and parks, and still be able to use for casual commuting in urban areas.
Comparing it side by side to the Warrior 11+, the Warrior X is slightly smaller in dimensions. The scooter stands at 51 inches in length and 48 inches long, with a wide 8-inch board for the rider’s feet. It weights around 33 kilograms, making it lighter than the 11+, and has a weight capacity limit of 265 pounds.
Just like the Wolf King and the Warrior 11, the Warrior X is made with the same dual stem and hydraulic shock absorbers, giving a comfortable ride both on and off the road. While much more compact, the board is still wide enough to let the rider rest their feet comfortably during the whole ride.
The front and rear tires are given anti-lock brakes that will stop your ride as fast as you are able to accelerate. Once again, the Wolf Warrior X Pro is surprisingly in the same quality of build and function that is found on most dirt bikes.
Testing Evaluation
Tested against similar models within the same category
Main Features:
- Riders Weight Limit | 264.5 lbs
- Motor | Dual 1100W Motor
- Range | 60 miles
- Battery | Samsung 60V 28Ah Battery
- Speed | 43 mph
The Wolf Warrior X Pro Special Features
Despite the similarities that the Warrior X has with its bigger brothers, there are a few neat additions that make this stand out from the rest. The folding mechanism, for starters, is much different than the other Wolf Warrior scooters.
Instead of using a folding lock, the Warrior X uses two clamps that are on the stem, held by 4 bolts. As simple as unclamping the mechanism, the dual stem bar folds up without moving the front tire, making it easier to transport and load into the back of an SUV or truck.
In addition to that, the Warrior X also has very bright LED lights on the sides of the board, which can be activated and changed to any color with a simple app on your phone. Not only will this make a very cool light show, but will also make riding at night much safer and be bright enough for passing cars to know you’re there.
The X Pro also comes with turn signal lights, which were a request from various electric scooter owners, being able to make them more street legal meeting with standard road laws.
Button/Accelerator Layout
No matter what the model of scooter you choose, it’s important that you are familiar with how all the necessary buttons all work and how easy it can be to read the speedometer on your accelerator. The X Pro comes with the EY3 Minimotors display on the accelerator, with a green backlight will make reading your speed that much easier when riding in sunlight.
Right side has buttons for Eco and Turbo modes, as well as the option to go single or dual motors. The left side has the horn, which is pretty loud enough for passing traffic to hear, turn signal indicators, and the light button. All buttons are clicky and responsive, while being within thumbs reach from the handle bar.
Wolf Warrior X Pro Pros and Cons
There have been a lot of innovative and well-made mechanics made by Kaabo with their Wolf Warrior line of scooters, and all are worth praise. However, there are a couple of things that you should know about the Warrior X Pro before you consider making a purchase. While this is a great compact scooter, this might not be for everyone out there. Let’s take a look why that is.
Like many other Wolf Warrior X Pro scooters that Kaabo has built, the design and quality is in the standards of motocross and off-road vehicles that are affordable and dependable. Between matching the internal components of the Warrior 11+ and Wolf King.
Between the comfortable wide board and the dual stem handlebars, the ride will always feel like you’re sturdy and unable to move. Which if you are something of a speed demon, you will enjoy how smooth you can glide effortlessly on the road.
While the Warrior X definitely seems to have all the bells and whistles that one could look for in an electric scooter, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, while the dual clam folding mechanism is very innovative, there is no lock to keep them from moving around while folded. So, chances are you might see them sway back and forth and hit a wall every so often.
Another issue is the LED lights that are right beside the deck. Now I can understand why this is something that can make a scooter look cool, but the lights don’t seem all that protected when one is trying to get on or off the scooter. Your feet might end up breaking them if you’re not careful.
The icing on this cake is that turning off ABS can really be a bit of a gamble when braking. Having smooth and dependable brakes are a must have when it comes to electric scooters. When you turn them off, just realize, it will still be about another several feet before you come to a complete stop.
Who is the Warrior X Pro for?
The Wolf Warrior X Pro definitely seems like it would be a perfect fit for veteran e-scooter users who are looking for a lightweight alternative to the heavier 11+ and Wolf King. Recreational electric scooters are becoming very popular over the last few years, and the Warrior X has much to offer.
Whether it’s on or off the road, either day or night, you will be more than satisfied with your ride, knowing it’s the same attention to detail that Kaabo has made with its Wolf Warrior line of e-scooters.
Who is the Wolf Warrior X Pro NOT for?
While the Warrior X definitely has power and speed, and that 60-mile range could take you places, this probably wouldn’t be the first choice for a commuting vehicle. You could find similar e-scooters that are street legal that have much longer battery runtime and reasonable prices.
This also shouldn’t be marketed towards younger adults who haven’t ridden electric scooters like this before. You should be someone who has had experience with them and knows the safe practices of owning and riding an electric scooter anywhere.
Testing Evaluation
Tested against similar models within the same category
Main Features:
- Riders Weight Limit | 264.5 lbs
- Motor | Dual 1100W Motor
- Range | 60 miles
- Battery | Samsung 60V 28Ah Battery
- Speed | 43 mph